W5200 Ethernet Shield from SeeedStudio


This Ethernet shield provides you instant Internet connectivity with a high spec Ethernet controller, W5200, with twice the buffer size of v1.0 and support for up to eight simultaneous TCP/UDP connections. An included SD slot enables applications that require storing large amounts of data, like IoT data logging. Thanks to a lowered RJ45 pot, you can flexibly add most of shields on top of this Ethernet Shield.

This Ethernet shield provides you instant Internet connectivity with a high spec Ethernet controller, W5200, with twice the buffer size of v1.0 and support for up to eight simultaneous TCP/UDP connections. An included SD slot enables applications that require storing large amounts of data, like IoT data logging. Thanks to a lowered RJ45 pot, you can flexibly add most of shields on top of this Ethernet Shield.


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