Remote Monitoring of Ultrasonic Sensor Value using ioShield-A & Cloud Server


his post explains how to monitor ultrasonic sensor value remotely using Arduino, ioShield-A & Xively Server.

Arduino Uno board is used for controlling whole system and measuring the sensor value.

We are using ioShield-A (which is based of W5500) for processing the TCP/IP connection.

Part & Program

– Arduino Uno (MCU)

– Ethernet Shield (ioShield-A / WIZnet)

– Ultrasonic seonsor (NT-TS601, OEM)

– Temperature (DHT11, DFRobot)

– LED, Resistor

– Jumpers

– Fritzing

– Arduino Sketch

We drew the schematic at the Fritzing.

ioShield-A Cloud Server - 1


Each node and part operate and communicate as shown in below block diagram.

ioShield-A Cloud Server - 2

Set the initial IP first. If you are going to use DHCP, the IP address will be assigned by DHCP server. If not, you will use the default IP.


#define APIKEY “YfqMfUI4h9QIZ0dL8JQTpqfhIfaeXwGOc7qrpPeoFHecVPEI” // replace your Xively api key here
#define FEEDID 863324820 // replace your feed ID
#define USERAGENT “make fair” // user agent is the project name

#define ledPin 8
#define sonicPin 7
#define tempPin 6 // assign a MAC address for the ethernet controller.
// fill in your address here:

byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };
// fill in an available IP address on your network here,
// for manual configuration:

IPAddress ip(192, 168, 122, 5);
// initialize the library instance:

EthernetClient client;
// if you don’t want to use DNS (and reduce your sketch size) // use the numeric IP instead of the name for the server:
//IPAddress server(216,52,233,121);
// numeric IP for
char server[] = “”; // name address for xively API

Below function changes the sensor value in the unit of ‘cm’ or ‘inch’

long cmtomicro(long a){

return a/29/2;


long inchtomicro(long b){

return b/74/2;




Below code is to turn on the LED if the sensor value is under 10cm.

In case of String dataString = “Ultra,” and dataString += “\nTemperature, “, they must be same with the channel name that you made at the Xively

ioShield-A Cloud Server - 7



int ultra_sensorReading= cmtomicro(sonicval); // calculating the distance (cm)


digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);


String dataString = “Ultra,”;

dataString += ultra_sensorReading;

int sensor_val =;

int temp_SensorReading= DHT.temperature;

dataString += “\nTemperature, “;

dataString += temp_SensorReading;



=> Download the code


Now, we will connect to Xively, one of the most popular cloud service in the world.

1. Connect to

ioShield-A Cloud Server - 3


2. After log-in, go to “Development Devices”

ioShield-A Cloud Server - 4


3.  Input the “User Agent”, “Feed ID” & “APIKEY” in the Arduino Sketch

ioShield-A Cloud Server - 5


4. Now, you can remotely monitor the change of the sensor value.

ioShield-A Cloud Server - 6


his post explains how to monitor ultrasonic sensor value remotely using Arduino, ioShield-A & Xively Server.

Arduino Uno board is used for controlling whole system and measuring the sensor value.

We are using ioShield-A (which is based of W5500) for processing the TCP/IP connection.

Part & Program

– Arduino Uno (MCU)

– Ethernet Shield (ioShield-A / WIZnet)

– Ultrasonic seonsor (NT-TS601, OEM)

– Temperature (DHT11, DFRobot)

– LED, Resistor

– Jumpers

– Fritzing

– Arduino Sketch

We drew the schematic at the Fritzing.

ioShield-A Cloud Server - 1


Each node and part operate and communicate as shown in below block diagram.

ioShield-A Cloud Server - 2

Set the initial IP first. If you are going to use DHCP, the IP address will be assigned by DHCP server. If not, you will use the default IP.


#define APIKEY “YfqMfUI4h9QIZ0dL8JQTpqfhIfaeXwGOc7qrpPeoFHecVPEI” // replace your Xively api key here
#define FEEDID 863324820 // replace your feed ID
#define USERAGENT “make fair” // user agent is the project name

#define ledPin 8
#define sonicPin 7
#define tempPin 6 // assign a MAC address for the ethernet controller.
// fill in your address here:

byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };
// fill in an available IP address on your network here,
// for manual configuration:

IPAddress ip(192, 168, 122, 5);
// initialize the library instance:

EthernetClient client;
// if you don’t want to use DNS (and reduce your sketch size) // use the numeric IP instead of the name for the server:
//IPAddress server(216,52,233,121);
// numeric IP for
char server[] = “”; // name address for xively API

Below function changes the sensor value in the unit of ‘cm’ or ‘inch’

long cmtomicro(long a){

return a/29/2;


long inchtomicro(long b){

return b/74/2;




Below code is to turn on the LED if the sensor value is under 10cm.

In case of String dataString = “Ultra,” and dataString += “\nTemperature, “, they must be same with the channel name that you made at the Xively

ioShield-A Cloud Server - 7



int ultra_sensorReading= cmtomicro(sonicval); // calculating the distance (cm)


digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);


String dataString = “Ultra,”;

dataString += ultra_sensorReading;

int sensor_val =;

int temp_SensorReading= DHT.temperature;

dataString += “\nTemperature, “;

dataString += temp_SensorReading;



=> Download the code


Now, we will connect to Xively, one of the most popular cloud service in the world.

1. Connect to

ioShield-A Cloud Server - 3


2. After log-in, go to “Development Devices”

ioShield-A Cloud Server - 4


3.  Input the “User Agent”, “Feed ID” & “APIKEY” in the Arduino Sketch

ioShield-A Cloud Server - 5


4. Now, you can remotely monitor the change of the sensor value.

ioShield-A Cloud Server - 6



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