Arduino Ethernet+SD



We just got the latest version of the Arduino Ethernet shield with a MicroSD card slot and I promised Bill Greiman I’d try out the latest version of his SdFatLib library so I decided to code up a simple Webified file browser. Its a quicky project and demonstrates what you can do, but it isn’t 100% perfect so you should be ready to modify it if you’d like to do other stuff, ‘K?

This is a good beginning to a logging web-monitor, or remote storage system.


after all that work, lets upload that sketch to the Arduino! Make sure you have the correct ip address for your network, then use a browser on the same network to visit your website. Here is what I got – there are those two files from my previous datalogging experiments!



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We just got the latest version of the Arduino Ethernet shield with a MicroSD card slot and I promised Bill Greiman I’d try out the latest version of his SdFatLib library so I decided to code up a simple Webified file browser. Its a quicky project and demonstrates what you can do, but it isn’t 100% perfect so you should be ready to modify it if you’d like to do other stuff, ‘K?

This is a good beginning to a logging web-monitor, or remote storage system.


after all that work, lets upload that sketch to the Arduino! Make sure you have the correct ip address for your network, then use a browser on the same network to visit your website. Here is what I got – there are those two files from my previous datalogging experiments!



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