Tide Tank project


The Tide Tank is an Arduino-based system that keeps the water level in a fish tank proportional to the locally measured tide.
Electrical schematic

This project is also introduced on adafruit.com/blog

I worked on the Tide Tank project at Rocking the Boat, an awesome nonprofit organization in the South Bronx that teaches kids how to build wooden boats from scratch.

They used platform is as follows,
* Arduino Uno
* ethernet shield
* Adafruit wing shield
* Adafruit LCD shield

The Tide Tank is an Arduino-based system that keeps the water level in a fish tank proportional to the locally measured tide.
Electrical schematic

This project is also introduced on adafruit.com/blog

I worked on the Tide Tank project at Rocking the Boat, an awesome nonprofit organization in the South Bronx that teaches kids how to build wooden boats from scratch.

They used platform is as follows,
* Arduino Uno
* ethernet shield
* Adafruit wing shield
* Adafruit LCD shield


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