Arduinolitics : Google Analytics on Arduino



He is using an EtherMega and there are a cornucopia of networked Arduinos to choose from, otherwise if you need to connect an ethernet shield or wifi shield He is sure you’ll find some way to figure that out.

A Google Analytics account with at least one property set up with Universal Analytics enabled will be handy here. Mine was by default, but your mileage may vary.


Also handy will be the Tracking code for that property. Note however, the property does not seem to be required, He pointed his to a null.html just in case, however it does not seem to be needed, the events He is using here function independently.


The attached sketch is quite simple and just pings the Google servers with a tracking event approximately every 10 seconds.You might also need floatToString.h for double/floating point sensor values.


Source :


He is using an EtherMega and there are a cornucopia of networked Arduinos to choose from, otherwise if you need to connect an ethernet shield or wifi shield He is sure you’ll find some way to figure that out.

A Google Analytics account with at least one property set up with Universal Analytics enabled will be handy here. Mine was by default, but your mileage may vary.


Also handy will be the Tracking code for that property. Note however, the property does not seem to be required, He pointed his to a null.html just in case, however it does not seem to be needed, the events He is using here function independently.


The attached sketch is quite simple and just pings the Google servers with a tracking event approximately every 10 seconds.You might also need floatToString.h for double/floating point sensor values.


Source :


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