Nocturnal Emissions: My Arduino Powered Internet Enabled Dream Generator

This Arduino Powered “dream generator”  helps plant the seeds for some big thinking craziness.  When you approach the generator a Maxbotix ultrasonic sensor triggers lights and music that draw you in, so you can stare into the blue LED enshrouded infiniteness of the box.  Press the pulsing blue button and a thermal receipt printer generates your dream which is mashed up from Allan Ginsberg’s poem Howl Part 1, and the twitter feeds of the NY Times and pop star Taylor Swift.  The juxtaposition of these three elements is designed to stimulate your own free-associating amygdala powered dream machine so you can make papa Descartes proud in your quest for absolute dream supremacy!
If you press the button to activate the dream generator and it goes out to the Internet and mashes up relevant (or irrelevant) Internet fodder such as twitter feeds, headlines, facebook statuses, etc. and then mashes them up through the filter of iconic Beat poet Allan Ginsberg’s signature work Howl and voila! For this Internet connectivity, Arduino Ethernet Shield is used.
We could get more detail & sources about this awesome project at the Instructables.
This Arduino Powered “dream generator”  helps plant the seeds for some big thinking craziness.  When you approach the generator a Maxbotix ultrasonic sensor triggers lights and music that draw you in, so you can stare into the blue LED enshrouded infiniteness of the box.  Press the pulsing blue button and a thermal receipt printer generates your dream which is mashed up from Allan Ginsberg’s poem Howl Part 1, and the twitter feeds of the NY Times and pop star Taylor Swift.  The juxtaposition of these three elements is designed to stimulate your own free-associating amygdala powered dream machine so you can make papa Descartes proud in your quest for absolute dream supremacy!
If you press the button to activate the dream generator and it goes out to the Internet and mashes up relevant (or irrelevant) Internet fodder such as twitter feeds, headlines, facebook statuses, etc. and then mashes them up through the filter of iconic Beat poet Allan Ginsberg’s signature work Howl and voila! For this Internet connectivity, Arduino Ethernet Shield is used.
We could get more detail & sources about this awesome project at the Instructables.


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