Web Server Application using FreeRTOS


Project Description

In this example, It will show how to develop web server application with hardware TCP/IP co-processor and FreeRTOS.

The author used LPC-P2106 ARM7 prototyping board with W3150A for using ethernet via I2C interface.

But this example does not include a fully featured web server but does provide a working, preemptive, multitasking example that includes an interrupt driven I2C driver and an interrupt driven interface with a WIZnet W3150A TCP/IP coprocessor.


I think it will be useful for user that wants to use Ethernet application with RTOS.

For more detail about this example, visit the “FreeRTOS home page

Source : http://www.freertos.org/webservedemo.html

Project Description

In this example, It will show how to develop web server application with hardware TCP/IP co-processor and FreeRTOS.

The author used LPC-P2106 ARM7 prototyping board with W3150A for using ethernet via I2C interface.

But this example does not include a fully featured web server but does provide a working, preemptive, multitasking example that includes an interrupt driven I2C driver and an interrupt driven interface with a WIZnet W3150A TCP/IP coprocessor.


I think it will be useful for user that wants to use Ethernet application with RTOS.

For more detail about this example, visit the “FreeRTOS home page

Source : http://www.freertos.org/webservedemo.html


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