Arduino Temperature Sensor – Winter is Coming




His first real project was to connect a DS18B20 temperature sensor to Arduino. He has an ethernet shield on the arduino that uploads data

The temperature sensor is protected by an old film case and is right outside his window. He wanted to have a web site where He can check the outside temperature so he found a small jQuery script that takes JSON data from his Pachube feed and outputs it on a small web site.

Here’s the pachube feed, and here’s the mobile web site. Get the code here.

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His first real project was to connect a DS18B20 temperature sensor to Arduino. He has an ethernet shield on the arduino that uploads data

The temperature sensor is protected by an old film case and is right outside his window. He wanted to have a web site where He can check the outside temperature so he found a small jQuery script that takes JSON data from his Pachube feed and outputs it on a small web site.

Here’s the pachube feed, and here’s the mobile web site. Get the code here.

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