Home Automation


This project shows MQTT operation with EtherMega, DS18B20, Mosquitto MQTT broker by himself on Linux laptop.  The original plan of this project is to control LED in the house as well as monitor room temperature. But he removed this section because of risk of High-volt control.

The original link is http://kuziel.info/home-made/home-automation/ethermega/

I connected DS18B20 Arduino module to 5V, GND and its output to digital pin 7. I used parts of provided OneWire example code to retrieve temperature in degrees celsius and get MQTT client to publish it to /home/office/temperature/ topic.

Refer to http://kuziel.info/home-made/home-automation/mqtt/ for installation of Mosquitto MQTT broker.

The Testing result is


You can get more details and all source code about the link.

TAG : 201403, W5100, Arduino, IoT, MQTT, Home automation, Tutorial

This project shows MQTT operation with EtherMega, DS18B20, Mosquitto MQTT broker by himself on Linux laptop.  The original plan of this project is to control LED in the house as well as monitor room temperature. But he removed this section because of risk of High-volt control.

The original link is http://kuziel.info/home-made/home-automation/ethermega/

I connected DS18B20 Arduino module to 5V, GND and its output to digital pin 7. I used parts of provided OneWire example code to retrieve temperature in degrees celsius and get MQTT client to publish it to /home/office/temperature/ topic.

Refer to http://kuziel.info/home-made/home-automation/mqtt/ for installation of Mosquitto MQTT broker.

The Testing result is


You can get more details and all source code about the link.

TAG : 201403, W5100, Arduino, IoT, MQTT, Home automation, Tutorial


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