Online Temperature Monitoring using Arduino + Ethernet Shield


This project is an example of Ethernet shield.
User can monitor a temperature easily by using Arduino platform through Web.
This project would be included in Sensing & Gathering category of WIZnet Museum.

Online Temperature Monitoring using Arduino + Ethernet Shield

Require parts.
1. Arduino and Ethernet Shiled
2. DS18B20 temperature sensor
3. Breadboard and Wire
4. Ethernet Cable with internet connection for your Arduino
5. Web server that support PHP (see more in Step 2)



Start Wiring Things

Picture of Start Wiring Things

Let’s Wiring following the image above,

In the videoi using sealed type of DS18B12 onewire sensor for waterproof reason and easy to demonstrate


Upload Files and Get It Run!

you can get all code from this link at bottom of page.

When you unzip the files, following this step below

1. upload files in folder PHP&HTML to root of your web server, for local use or test you can config you PC as web server that support PHP by using Apache Server (plus with dynamic DNS you can get it online too). or if you want to get it online you need to get web hosting see more here.

2. open Temp_Monitor.pde file using Arduino IDE, then

– Config static ip address to match with you network if you don’t have DNS assign from router.
at line :
IPAddress ip(192,168,0,177); // set static local IP address dns, gateway and subnet if it not assigned by DHCP

IPAddress dnServer(192, 168, 0, 1);

IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 0, 1);

IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0);

– Config your website address at line: “char server[] = “”; // Server URL”
and line : client.println(“Host:”); // Server URL

Change it to your website address, Then Upload it into arduino.

3. Open Serial Monitor from IDE to see. if thing connect correctly server will responds

4. Open your website URL and see latest temp data online.
(for local hosted server call or your ip address) Have Fun.



If you want to know more in detail, refer to

Source :

This project is an example of Ethernet shield.
User can monitor a temperature easily by using Arduino platform through Web.
This project would be included in Sensing & Gathering category of WIZnet Museum.

Online Temperature Monitoring using Arduino + Ethernet Shield

Require parts.
1. Arduino and Ethernet Shiled
2. DS18B20 temperature sensor
3. Breadboard and Wire
4. Ethernet Cable with internet connection for your Arduino
5. Web server that support PHP (see more in Step 2)



Start Wiring Things

Picture of Start Wiring Things

Let’s Wiring following the image above,

In the videoi using sealed type of DS18B12 onewire sensor for waterproof reason and easy to demonstrate


Upload Files and Get It Run!

you can get all code from this link at bottom of page.

When you unzip the files, following this step below

1. upload files in folder PHP&HTML to root of your web server, for local use or test you can config you PC as web server that support PHP by using Apache Server (plus with dynamic DNS you can get it online too). or if you want to get it online you need to get web hosting see more here.

2. open Temp_Monitor.pde file using Arduino IDE, then

– Config static ip address to match with you network if you don’t have DNS assign from router.
at line :
IPAddress ip(192,168,0,177); // set static local IP address dns, gateway and subnet if it not assigned by DHCP

IPAddress dnServer(192, 168, 0, 1);

IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 0, 1);

IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0);

– Config your website address at line: “char server[] = “”; // Server URL”
and line : client.println(“Host:”); // Server URL

Change it to your website address, Then Upload it into arduino.

3. Open Serial Monitor from IDE to see. if thing connect correctly server will responds

4. Open your website URL and see latest temp data online.
(for local hosted server call or your ip address) Have Fun.



If you want to know more in detail, refer to

Source :


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