Arduino Email Sender with Ethernet adapter/shield


An Arduino Email Sender with Ethernet shield – Arduino / Ethernet shield & Temboo Service applied mini project that sends e-mail when button is clicked every time



This is an Arduino Email Sender with Ethernet shield – Arduino / Ethernet shield & Temboo Service applied mini project that sends e-mail when button is clicked every time.

arduino ethernet_shield temboo

Author says, started the project of sending e-mail with button using Ethernet with own father’s suggestion. Even though most of E-mail services like Google Gmail need SSL in order to have reliable connection,  receiving a support from Embedded platform including Arduino is realistically impossible. However, the author found a service named ‘Temboo’ and completed the project successfully.


Enjoy the following video clip.



This project is designed with 3 parts. Visit the author’s original Instructable page for the further information since it is described in detail steps so that beginners can follow it without any difficulties.


1. Connecting hardware : Just connect a push button to the Digital PIN 2 of Arduino

2. Setting up GMAIL account : Get Unique code from Google for setting Temboo service to send an E-mail through Gmail.

3. Setting up Temboo account : Set to send an E-mail when button connected with Arduino is clicked every time by using one of Temboo function called ‘Send an email from your Gmail account’



For the further information :


An Arduino Email Sender with Ethernet shield – Arduino / Ethernet shield & Temboo Service applied mini project that sends e-mail when button is clicked every time



This is an Arduino Email Sender with Ethernet shield – Arduino / Ethernet shield & Temboo Service applied mini project that sends e-mail when button is clicked every time.

arduino ethernet_shield temboo

Author says, started the project of sending e-mail with button using Ethernet with own father’s suggestion. Even though most of E-mail services like Google Gmail need SSL in order to have reliable connection,  receiving a support from Embedded platform including Arduino is realistically impossible. However, the author found a service named ‘Temboo’ and completed the project successfully.


Enjoy the following video clip.



This project is designed with 3 parts. Visit the author’s original Instructable page for the further information since it is described in detail steps so that beginners can follow it without any difficulties.


1. Connecting hardware : Just connect a push button to the Digital PIN 2 of Arduino

2. Setting up GMAIL account : Get Unique code from Google for setting Temboo service to send an E-mail through Gmail.

3. Setting up Temboo account : Set to send an E-mail when button connected with Arduino is clicked every time by using one of Temboo function called ‘Send an email from your Gmail account’



For the further information :



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