Displaying data on a website – Electronic Pot [Arduino Nano + Ethernet Shield]


The author made an Electronic Pot using Arduino and Ethernet Shield. The Electronic Pot measures humidity, temperature, and the presence of light then it sends out the measured data to the database server. The block diagram of this system is as shown below.


The Electronic Pot is able to manage the measured data in DB system by sending out the syntax (POST /add.php) to the server far away from.

The author is sharing Arduino codes as well as the web page of the server and it will be a good help in people who would like to organize this system.

You can learn more from below original post.


Source : http://www.instructables.com/id/Displaying-data-on-a-website-Electronic-Pot-Arduin/?ALLSTEPS

The author made an Electronic Pot using Arduino and Ethernet Shield. The Electronic Pot measures humidity, temperature, and the presence of light then it sends out the measured data to the database server. The block diagram of this system is as shown below.


The Electronic Pot is able to manage the measured data in DB system by sending out the syntax (POST /add.php) to the server far away from.

The author is sharing Arduino codes as well as the web page of the server and it will be a good help in people who would like to organize this system.

You can learn more from below original post.


Source : http://www.instructables.com/id/Displaying-data-on-a-website-Electronic-Pot-Arduin/?ALLSTEPS


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