Ethernet FeatherWing

New W5500 Ethernet FeatherWing for Particle Mesh
Particle Mesh devices support Ethernet FeatherWing based on W5500 chip!The Ethernet FeatherWing is the fastest way to add wired connectivity to your Argon, Boron, or Xenon and turns any Particle Mesh dev kit into an Ethernet gateway. Based on the WIZnet W5500 chip, this side-by-side FeatherWing maintains great RF performance even while adding Ethernet connectivity to any Particle Mesh device.
technical details


'Particle' is the manufacturer of wireless IoT module device. The company's products communicate with Wi-Fi, cellular (2G / 3G / LTE), or mesh and work with Cloud.particleFor more information, refer to the link below:

Feather Board

The 'Feather' is a complete line of development boards from Adafruit that are both standalone and stackable.  The expansion board series of feather board is called 'FeatherWing'.  These boards are hardware pin compatible with each other and are available in a variety of application types.featherFor more information, refer to the next link.
how to use



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