AVR example for W5500

Lots of projects using ATMEGA 1284p(644p partially) and Ethernet Wiznet 5500 (based on W5500 EVB examples, but heavily modified). Building in Eclipse Kepler with AVR-Eclipse plugin and avr-gcc 4.9.2 toolchain.
By maxx_ir
Hardware Components
Ethernet module W5500
X 1
X 1
Software Apps and online services

13.JPG 2015-07-09_car

What done ( In order of increasing complexity and date of creation ):


1. Wiznet Loopback TCP/UDP Static IP

2. Wiznet Loopback TCP/UDP DHCP IP

3. DNS example

4. SNTP +  DNS example

5. Telnet server example

6. ICMP aka ping example

7. Simple Web Server (one page with HTTP POST/GET queries)

8. HTTPD Web Server with all contents in AVR FLASH (with AJAX queries)

9. HTTPD Web Server with all content on SD card (Chang FAT FS lib using) (with AJAX queries)

10. FTPC example (only active mode sorry) with store content on SD card (console dialog from serial terminal like putty, terraterm etc..)

11. FTPD example (both active-passive modes working) with store content on SD card, checked on FTP clients: Windows 7 cmd, FAR, Total commander, WinSCP.

12. Combined HTTPD + FTPD for  dynamic upload WEB server pages, with all content on SD card (Chang FAT FS lib using) (with AJAX queries)

13. ZEVERO SD PetitFS Bootloader for both M1284p/M644p

14. Bootloaded code: Combined Wiznet Loopback TCP/UDP Static IP + FTPD server (for bootloading via FTP client) + SD-bootloader ZEVERO, working on M644p/M1284p

15. Bootloaded code: Combined HTTPD server (with AJAX) + FTPD server (for bootloading via FTP client and upload WEB server pages) + SD-bootloader ZEVERO, working on M1284p only

16. IOT Blynk client Example with Blynk smartphone application (checked only Android side) – NO Arduino CODE, used Wiznet Sockets.

17. Bootloaded code: IOT BLYNK client combined with FTPD server (for bootloading via FTP client)+ SD-bootloader ZEVERO, working on M1284p only

18. TFTP client

19. (NEW)MQTT client



13.JPG 2015-07-09_car

What done ( In order of increasing complexity and date of creation ):


1. Wiznet Loopback TCP/UDP Static IP

2. Wiznet Loopback TCP/UDP DHCP IP

3. DNS example

4. SNTP +  DNS example

5. Telnet server example

6. ICMP aka ping example

7. Simple Web Server (one page with HTTP POST/GET queries)

8. HTTPD Web Server with all contents in AVR FLASH (with AJAX queries)

9. HTTPD Web Server with all content on SD card (Chang FAT FS lib using) (with AJAX queries)

10. FTPC example (only active mode sorry) with store content on SD card (console dialog from serial terminal like putty, terraterm etc..)

11. FTPD example (both active-passive modes working) with store content on SD card, checked on FTP clients: Windows 7 cmd, FAR, Total commander, WinSCP.

12. Combined HTTPD + FTPD for  dynamic upload WEB server pages, with all content on SD card (Chang FAT FS lib using) (with AJAX queries)

13. ZEVERO SD PetitFS Bootloader for both M1284p/M644p

14. Bootloaded code: Combined Wiznet Loopback TCP/UDP Static IP + FTPD server (for bootloading via FTP client) + SD-bootloader ZEVERO, working on M644p/M1284p

15. Bootloaded code: Combined HTTPD server (with AJAX) + FTPD server (for bootloading via FTP client and upload WEB server pages) + SD-bootloader ZEVERO, working on M1284p only

16. IOT Blynk client Example with Blynk smartphone application (checked only Android side) – NO Arduino CODE, used Wiznet Sockets.

17. Bootloaded code: IOT BLYNK client combined with FTPD server (for bootloading via FTP client)+ SD-bootloader ZEVERO, working on M1284p only

18. TFTP client

19. (NEW)MQTT client



m1284P Board pinmap
Blynk QRCode
m1248P schematic


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