Web Server Base RFID Attendance Record System

Nowadays, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems have been the rise in the number of applications and successfully applied to different areas such as manufacturing and processing, supply chain management, retail, security, and location tracking systems. This system can solve the problem such as the students cheat their attendance, lost of attendance sheet, and many students by asking their friends to help them to correct their attendance if they absent. MFRC522 RFID unit, Arduino Uno, Ethernet Shield are used in this project to submit all student's data for storage in the MySQL database system. PHP and HTML with CSS languages are used for creating web server of RFID Attendance Record System. The System webpage can be easily accessed by the teachers and authorized persons via the client computers which connect with the web server and can be seen in real-time processing of what student is registering now and providing valuable information about the student’s attending record of the relevant classes.
By Zaw Lin Oo, Theint Win Lai, Maung Maung Than
Hardware Components
Arduino Uno
X 1
Ethernet Shield
X 1
X 1


The web-based student attendance system using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology promotes semiautomated recording of student attendance, developed especially for the university. In drawing the
system design, a number of web-based methods. Some comparisons performed on the different technologies being used in the similar systems were also learnt. Related research on the system development and testing were also reviewed to provide guidance in customizing and evaluating the process, while learning the disciplined approach in designing the proposed system.

The proposed system consists of three main modules namely the RFID data reading module, Data input to database module and data report to web server and client module. MFRC522 RFID readers, RFID tag card and Arduino UNO microcontroller board are included in RFID data reading module. Arduino Wiznet Ethernet W5100 Shield with Arduino UNO microcontroller board processed for Data input to database module by using PHP to MySQL database system of XAMPP. CSS, HTML and PHP programming languages are used for data report to web server and client module .The general process flow is illustrated in Fig. 1. (a), where all of these components are involved and operational. The overall architecture of the system is illustrated in Fig below (b), where the three main components are shown

(a) system process (b) System Architecture of the Web Server Base RFID Attendance and Record System


Software Design
This section is system interfacing of hardware components and design of the main web page. PHP and HTML with CSS Language are used to develop the web page and connection with database. For web-server platform, XAMPP software is used. XAMPP is the software that has complete PHP, Apache, and MySQL web development environment 13. The mySQL tool in XAMPP is PHPMyAdmin 14. User data and students information are stored in MySQl database as two tables.
The web pages has two main section consists of user registration, login and web portal which shown the live attendance of a student and recorded attendance of individual class. Family teachers need to register for secure access of Web Server Base RFID Attendance and Record System. Sing up, login, reset password and sing out options are included in registration and login web Portal. In the main page of web portal, the user can see that who is registering now with RFID card including student information and all the attendance records of individual class.
In this system, connection between database and the RFID devices is implemented by using PHP script file. The devices sent the data to database and display require information of the students from database. PHP language has been used to read the data from RFID devices or tags, save that data in MySQL database and querying the data and then display desire data in main web portal.

Hardware Design
RFID and Arduino UNO microcontroller board devices are used as the main components in hardware design of the project. Low cost reader of Mifare 13.56Mhz RC522 RFID Card Reader Module with passive RFID tags was used. RFID tags and cards are used registration of attendance time for students. Arduino Uno microcontroller is selected for data transfer from RFID card to the web-server. 5 ports Ethernet switch is used for the connection of Ethernet Shield Module, Server computer and client computers by using RJ45 Network. LAN Cable with RJ45 connectors at both ends.


hardware connection of attendance record system



The web-based student attendance system using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology promotes semiautomated recording of student attendance, developed especially for the university. In drawing the
system design, a number of web-based methods. Some comparisons performed on the different technologies being used in the similar systems were also learnt. Related research on the system development and testing were also reviewed to provide guidance in customizing and evaluating the process, while learning the disciplined approach in designing the proposed system.

The proposed system consists of three main modules namely the RFID data reading module, Data input to database module and data report to web server and client module. MFRC522 RFID readers, RFID tag card and Arduino UNO microcontroller board are included in RFID data reading module. Arduino Wiznet Ethernet W5100 Shield with Arduino UNO microcontroller board processed for Data input to database module by using PHP to MySQL database system of XAMPP. CSS, HTML and PHP programming languages are used for data report to web server and client module .The general process flow is illustrated in Fig. 1. (a), where all of these components are involved and operational. The overall architecture of the system is illustrated in Fig below (b), where the three main components are shown

(a) system process (b) System Architecture of the Web Server Base RFID Attendance and Record System


Software Design
This section is system interfacing of hardware components and design of the main web page. PHP and HTML with CSS Language are used to develop the web page and connection with database. For web-server platform, XAMPP software is used. XAMPP is the software that has complete PHP, Apache, and MySQL web development environment 13. The mySQL tool in XAMPP is PHPMyAdmin 14. User data and students information are stored in MySQl database as two tables.
The web pages has two main section consists of user registration, login and web portal which shown the live attendance of a student and recorded attendance of individual class. Family teachers need to register for secure access of Web Server Base RFID Attendance and Record System. Sing up, login, reset password and sing out options are included in registration and login web Portal. In the main page of web portal, the user can see that who is registering now with RFID card including student information and all the attendance records of individual class.
In this system, connection between database and the RFID devices is implemented by using PHP script file. The devices sent the data to database and display require information of the students from database. PHP language has been used to read the data from RFID devices or tags, save that data in MySQL database and querying the data and then display desire data in main web portal.

Hardware Design
RFID and Arduino UNO microcontroller board devices are used as the main components in hardware design of the project. Low cost reader of Mifare 13.56Mhz RC522 RFID Card Reader Module with passive RFID tags was used. RFID tags and cards are used registration of attendance time for students. Arduino Uno microcontroller is selected for data transfer from RFID card to the web-server. 5 ports Ethernet switch is used for the connection of Ethernet Shield Module, Server computer and client computers by using RJ45 Network. LAN Cable with RJ45 connectors at both ends.


hardware connection of attendance record system



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