This is a simple breakout board for Particle's B series of cellular IoT modules.
The Boron is a powerful LTE Cat M1 or 2G/3G enabled development kit that supports cellular networks and Bluetooth LE (BLE). It is based on the Nordic nRF52840 and has built-in battery charging circuitry so it’s easy to connect a Li-Po and deploy your local network in minutes.The Boron is great for connecting existing projects to the Particle Device Cloud where Wi-Fi is missing or unreliable. This is a simple breakout board for Particle's B series of cellular IoT modules. It breaks out all of its pins via easy to use headers. The board features a redundant USB port, connector for the LiPo battery, a barrel jack power connector, buttons, RGB LED, and charge status LED.The Eagle CAD design files, Gerber files, and bill of materials can be found in the SoM eval board Github repository.
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