Air Conditioning Web Controlled by Arduino

With this you can switch ON or OFF, your home's air conditioning system, checking the ambient temperature and humidity, and all this, through your phone's browser away from home.
By MoniCris
Hardware Components
Arduino Mega
X 1
Ethernet shield
X 1
5v(USB), 6v or 9v power plug for arduino
X 1
LAN ethernet cable
X 1
DHT22(or DHT11)
X 1
Infra Red (IR) LED
X 1
temporary: an IR receiver
X 1
temporary: a breadboard with three wires
X 1
Software Apps and online services
Arduino IDE

home.jpg aquaponics_small aquaponics_small aquaponic

Step 1: Hardware

  1. Arduino Mega
  2. Ethernet shield
  3. 5v(USB), 6v or 9v power plug for arduino
  4. LAN ethernet cable
  5. DHT22(or DHT11) sensor for temperature/humidity
  6. Infra Red (IR) LED from a remote control or less than 1€ in electronics shop
  7. temporary: an IR receiver
  8. temporary: a breadboard with three wires

Step 2: Getting the Codes


Step 3: First Test in the Home Network

Step 4: Setting Up Router

For this you need to refer to your router manufacturer and open the ports that arduino can be seen from outside.
If you have a dynamic IP, you must use a free service like or With static IP, just open ports on router and use it.

home.jpg aquaponics_small aquaponics_small aquaponic

Step 1: Hardware

  1. Arduino Mega
  2. Ethernet shield
  3. 5v(USB), 6v or 9v power plug for arduino
  4. LAN ethernet cable
  5. DHT22(or DHT11) sensor for temperature/humidity
  6. Infra Red (IR) LED from a remote control or less than 1€ in electronics shop
  7. temporary: an IR receiver
  8. temporary: a breadboard with three wires

Step 2: Getting the Codes


Step 3: First Test in the Home Network

Step 4: Setting Up Router

For this you need to refer to your router manufacturer and open the ports that arduino can be seen from outside.
If you have a dynamic IP, you must use a free service like or With static IP, just open ports on router and use it.


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