Alexa Controlled Face Recognizing Arduino Door Bell

„Alexa, who is at the door?“ - A face recognizing Arduino camera using AWS Rekognition for my grandmother
By Team Enzi
Hardware Components
Arduino UNO
X 1
Arduino Ethernet Shield 2
X 1
Standard push button
X 1
Arducam Mini OV2640
X 1
Amazon Alexa Amazon Echo
X 1
Software Apps and online services
Amazon Alexa Skills Kit
AWS Rekognition
AWS Lambda
AWS Gateway



„Alexa, who is at the door?“ – A face recognizing Arduino camera using AWS Rekognition for my grandmother

Ever wanted to know who rang your front door by asking Alexa?

Imagine it rings at your door and you could just ask Alexa who’s there. Without going to the window or opening the door, you know if it’s a friend or a stranger, because Alexa tells you the name or if it’s an unknown person.

We had the idea to build this solution, since our grandmother is nearly 80 years old and short-sighted. Due to the distance of her garden door, she can hardly see who rings the door when looking out of her window. To help her distinguish people ringing at the garden door, she should be able to ask Alexa, without even the need to go to the window or opening the front door.



„Alexa, who is at the door?“ – A face recognizing Arduino camera using AWS Rekognition for my grandmother

Ever wanted to know who rang your front door by asking Alexa?

Imagine it rings at your door and you could just ask Alexa who’s there. Without going to the window or opening the door, you know if it’s a friend or a stranger, because Alexa tells you the name or if it’s an unknown person.

We had the idea to build this solution, since our grandmother is nearly 80 years old and short-sighted. Due to the distance of her garden door, she can hardly see who rings the door when looking out of her window. To help her distinguish people ringing at the garden door, she should be able to ask Alexa, without even the need to go to the window or opening the front door.


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