Design of intelligent parking lot based on Arduino

With the single chip of Arduino series as the main control terminal, this project implements the intelligent parking system by using various sensor.
By Yunqiang Li1


With the single chip of Arduino series as the main control terminal, this project implementsthe intelligent parking system by using various sensor. Through the connection of the single chip with Ethernet W5100 network port, this design transmits the collected information to the server and then uploads it to the Web interactive platform after processing. It achieves the query and booking functions through the WeChat public number platform so that the car park can be much more efficient and intelligent.


With the single chip of Arduino series as the main control terminal, this project implementsthe intelligent parking system by using various sensor. Through the connection of the single chip with Ethernet W5100 network port, this design transmits the collected information to the server and then uploads it to the Web interactive platform after processing. It achieves the query and booking functions through the WeChat public number platform so that the car park can be much more efficient and intelligent.


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