How To Use To Improve IoT Projects

Our objective is to design, build and implement in-the-field technology in an ecological way that generates environmental awareness.
By Kutluhan Aktar
Hardware Components
Arduino UNO
X 1
Arduino ethernet shield 2
X 1
DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor (4 pins)
X 1
Photo resistor
X 1
MQ4 Gas Sensor
X 1
Flame Sensor
X 1
Hygrometer Sensor
X 1
2-Way Relay
X 3
Software Apps and online services
Arduino IDE

cloud-arduinoethernetshield_PRtvLELbj0 (1).jpg

Description is my personal website I post some of my ideas on under three main section, which are Projects, Tools, Articles and I had been working on a free cloud system for approximately two months for sending and getting data over the Internet by communicating the devices such as Arduino Ethernet Shield 2, Raspberry Pi, ESP8266, NodeMCU or any device that is capable of making an HTTP request. Now, the cloud system of is ready to run and this page guides you to create IoT projects with it.

To support my projects and articles, you can visit my website here 🙂

What is the cloud system of

The cloud system of is a free service that handles server-side programming for web communication and its main purpose is to improve IoT projects. Furthermore, to manage your data packets is uncomplicated by using as a host because of the unique path created by the cloud system of for you.

Start using the cloud system of by taking the following steps.

Sign Up

Please sign up for to create your cloud page.

Go to your Dashboard

Please sign in and go to your dashboard.

Cloud Information Page

Cloud Information Page gives you more details to use the cloud system, please read it before going to your cloud page.

Program your device

If you need to get help to program your device, please go to Cloud Code Generator.

Open your cloud page to manage your data packets

Enter your personal cloud information

Now, is ready to send and get data over the Internet

If you have issues to recall the last data packet you send to give a command to your devices, you can try the recovery system which is ready to save your commands permanently in the database.

Test Project

The code of the test project is created by Cloud Code Generator and modified using Arduino IDE.

  • Board –> Arduino Uno
  • Device –> Arduino Ethernet Shield 2
  • Communication Type –> Multi-Channel
  • Request Method –> Post

cloud-arduinoethernetshield_PRtvLELbj0 (1).jpg

Description is my personal website I post some of my ideas on under three main section, which are Projects, Tools, Articles and I had been working on a free cloud system for approximately two months for sending and getting data over the Internet by communicating the devices such as Arduino Ethernet Shield 2, Raspberry Pi, ESP8266, NodeMCU or any device that is capable of making an HTTP request. Now, the cloud system of is ready to run and this page guides you to create IoT projects with it.

To support my projects and articles, you can visit my website here 🙂

What is the cloud system of

The cloud system of is a free service that handles server-side programming for web communication and its main purpose is to improve IoT projects. Furthermore, to manage your data packets is uncomplicated by using as a host because of the unique path created by the cloud system of for you.

Start using the cloud system of by taking the following steps.

Sign Up

Please sign up for to create your cloud page.

Go to your Dashboard

Please sign in and go to your dashboard.

Cloud Information Page

Cloud Information Page gives you more details to use the cloud system, please read it before going to your cloud page.

Program your device

If you need to get help to program your device, please go to Cloud Code Generator.

Open your cloud page to manage your data packets

Enter your personal cloud information

Now, is ready to send and get data over the Internet

If you have issues to recall the last data packet you send to give a command to your devices, you can try the recovery system which is ready to save your commands permanently in the database.

Test Project

The code of the test project is created by Cloud Code Generator and modified using Arduino IDE.

  • Board –> Arduino Uno
  • Device –> Arduino Ethernet Shield 2
  • Communication Type –> Multi-Channel
  • Request Method –> Post
Test Project Code Arduino
Test Project


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