DaisyShift – Daisy Chain Shift Register display using Arduino Ethernet

Daisy Chain Shift Register display using Arduino Ethernet
By zyphlar (Will Bradley)
Hardware Components
Arduino board
X 1
Arduino ethernet shield
X 1


DaisyShift – Daisy Chain Shift Register display using Arduino Ethernet


This example assumes you’ll be using Nagios, but it can be modified to parse almost any data you can access via PHP and/or HTTP. Nagios keeps its status info in a status.dat file, which nag.php parses and outputs in a simplified way. nagiosdisplay.pde gets loaded onto an Arduino Ethernet, connects to nag.php via HTTP, parses that simple data, and lights up LEDs corresponding to each server.


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DaisyShift – Daisy Chain Shift Register display using Arduino Ethernet


This example assumes you’ll be using Nagios, but it can be modified to parse almost any data you can access via PHP and/or HTTP. Nagios keeps its status info in a status.dat file, which nag.php parses and outputs in a simplified way. nagiosdisplay.pde gets loaded onto an Arduino Ethernet, connects to nag.php via HTTP, parses that simple data, and lights up LEDs corresponding to each server.


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