Seeeduino Ethernet from SeeedStudio

<p>Seeeduino Ethernet is a compact and multifunctional development platform, which merges data logging and processing, device control and Ethernet communication together into one.</p>

W5200 Ethernet Shield from SeeedStudio

<p>This Ethernet shield provides you instant Internet connectivity with a high spec Ethernet controller, W5200, with twice the buffer size of v1.0</p>

Ethernet Shield W5100 from Sainsmart

<p>The module carries an onboard WIZnet W5100 Ethernet chip, which provides a network (IP) stack capable of both TCP and UDP, as well as a standard RJ45 Ethernet jack.</p>

Zduino Ethernet from Open Jumper

<p>The Zduino Ethernet allows an Arduino board to connect to the internet. It is based on the WIZnet W5100 ethernet chip.</p>

Ethernet Shield from NKC Electronics

<p>NKC Electronics Ethernet Shield is Based on the WIZ812MJ module by Wiznet, which uses the same W5100 chip as the official Arduino Ethernet shield.</p>
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